Machine Learning for Time Series Data in Python

This is the memo of the 9th course (23 courses in all) of ‘Machine Learning Scientist with Python’ skill track.

You can find the original course HERE .

### Course Description

Time series data is ubiquitous. Whether it be stock market fluctuations, sensor data recording climate change, or activity in the brain, any signal that changes over time can be described as a time series. Machine learning has emerged as a powerful method for leveraging complexity in data in order to generate predictions and insights into the problem one is trying to solve. This course is an intersection between these two worlds of machine learning and time series data, and covers feature engineering, spectograms, and other advanced techniques in order to classify heartbeat sounds and predict stock prices.

### Table of contents

  1. Time Series and Machine Learning Primer
  2. Time Series as Inputs to a Model
  3. Predicting Time Series Data
  4. Validating and Inspecting Time Series Models

1. Time Series and Machine Learning Primer

1.1 Timeseries kinds and applications

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1.1.1 Plotting a time series (I)

In this exercise, you’ll practice plotting the values of two time series without the time component.

Two DataFrames, data and data2 are available in your workspace.

Unless otherwise noted, assume that all required packages are loaded with their common aliases throughout this course.

This course assumes some familiarity with time series data, as well as how to use them in data analytics pipelines. For an introduction to time series, we recommend the Introduction to Time Series Analysis in Python and Visualizing Time Series Data with Python courses.

# Plot the time series in each dataset
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(5, 10))
data.iloc[:1000].plot(y='data_values', ax=axs[0])
data2.iloc[:1000].plot(y='data_values', ax=axs[1])

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1.1.2 Plotting a time series (II)

You’ll now plot both the datasets again, but with the included time stamps for each (stored in the column called "time" ). Let’s see if this gives you some more context for understanding each time series data.

# Plot the time series in each dataset
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(5, 10))
data.iloc[:1000].plot(x='time', y='data_values', ax=axs[0])
data2.iloc[:1000].plot(x='time', y='data_values', ax=axs[1])

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As you can now see, each time series has a very different sampling frequency (the amount of time between samples). The first is daily stock market data, and the second is an audio waveform.

1.2 Machine learning basics

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1.2.1 Fitting a simple model: classification

In this exercise, you’ll use the iris dataset (representing petal characteristics of a number of flowers) to practice using the scikit-learn API to fit a classification model. You can see a sample plot of the data to the right.

This course assumes some familiarity with Machine Learning and scikit-learn . For an introduction to scikit-learn, we recommend the Supervised Learning with Scikit-Learn and Preprocessing for Machine Learning in Python courses.

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from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC

# Construct data for the model
X = data[['petal length (cm)','petal width (cm)']]
y = data[['target']]

# Fit the model
model = LinearSVC(), y)

1.2.2 Predicting using a classification model

Now that you have fit your classifier, let’s use it to predict the type of flower (or class) for some newly-collected flowers.

Information about petal width and length for several new flowers is stored in the variable targets . Using the classifier you fit, you’ll predict the type of each flower.

# Create input array
X_predict = targets[['petal length (cm)', 'petal width (cm)']]

# Predict with the model
predictions = model.predict(X_predict)
# [2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2]

# Visualize predictions and actual values
plt.scatter(X_predict['petal length (cm)'], X_predict['petal width (cm)'],
plt.title("Predicted class values")

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1.2.3 Fitting a simple model: regression

In this exercise, you’ll practice fitting a regression model using data from the Boston housing market. A DataFrame called boston is available in your workspace. It contains many variables of data (stored as columns). Can you find a relationship between the following two variables?

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from sklearn import linear_model

# Prepare input and output DataFrames
X = boston[['AGE']]
y = boston[['RM']]

# Fit the model
model = linear_model.LinearRegression(),y)

1.2.4 Predicting using a regression model

Now that you’ve fit a model with the Boston housing data, lets see what predictions it generates on some new data. You can investigate the underlying relationship that the model has found between inputs and outputs by feeding in a range of numbers as inputs and seeing what the model predicts for each input.

A 1-D array new_inputs consisting of 100 “new” values for "AGE" (proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940) is available in your workspace along with the model you fit in the previous exercise.

# Generate predictions with the model using those inputs
predictions = model.predict(new_inputs.reshape(-1,1))

# Visualize the inputs and predicted values
plt.scatter(new_inputs, predictions, color='r', s=3)

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Here the red line shows the relationship that your model found. As the proportion of pre-1940s houses gets larger, the average number of rooms gets slightly lower.

1.3 Machine learning and time series data

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1.3.1 Inspecting the classification data

In these final exercises of this chapter, you’ll explore the two datasets you’ll use in this course.

The first is a collection of heartbeat sounds. Hearts normally have a predictable sound pattern as they beat, but some disorders can cause the heart to beat abnormally . This dataset contains a training set with labels for each type of heartbeat, and a testing set with no labels. You’ll use the testing set to validate your models.

As you have labeled data, this dataset is ideal for classification . In fact, it was originally offered as a part of a public Kaggle competition .

import librosa as lr
from glob import glob

# List all the wav files in the folder
audio_files = glob(data_dir + '/*.wav')

# Read in the first audio file, create the time array
audio, sfreq = lr.load(audio_files[0])
time = np.arange(0, len(audio)) / sfreq

# Plot audio over time
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(time, audio)
ax.set(xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Sound Amplitude')


array([-0.00039537, -0.00043787, -0.00047949, ...,  0.00376802,
        0.00299449,  0.00206312], dtype=float32)


array([  0.00000000e+00,   4.53514739e-05,   9.07029478e-05, ...,
         7.93546485e+00,   7.93551020e+00,   7.93555556e+00])

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There are several seconds of heartbeat sounds in here, though note that most of this time is silence. A common procedure in machine learning is to separate the datapoints with lots of stuff happening from the ones that don’t.

1.3.2 Inspecting the regression data

The next dataset contains information about company market value over several years of time. This is one of the most popular kind of time series data used for regression. If you can model the value of a company as it changes over time, you can make predictions about where that company will be in the future. This dataset was also originally provided as part of a public Kaggle competition .

In this exercise, you’ll plot the time series for a number of companies to get an understanding of how they are (or aren’t) related to one another.

# Read in the data
data = pd.read_csv('prices.csv', index_col=0)

# Convert the index of the DataFrame to datetime
data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)

# Loop through each column, plot its values over time
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for column in data.columns:
    data[column].plot(ax=ax, label=column)

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Note that each company’s value is sometimes correlated with others, and sometimes not. Also note there are a lot of ‘jumps’ in there – what effect do you think these jumps would have on a predictive model?

2. Time Series as Inputs to a Model

2.1 Classifying a time series

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2.1.1 Many repetitions of sounds

In this exercise, you’ll start with perhaps the simplest classification technique: averaging across dimensions of a dataset and visually inspecting the result.

You’ll use the heartbeat data described in the last chapter. Some recordings are normal heartbeat activity, while others are abnormal activity. Let’s see if you can spot the difference.

Two DataFrames, normal and abnormal , each with the shape of (n_times_points, n_audio_files) containing the audio for several heartbeats are available in your workspace. Also, the sampling frequency is loaded into a variable called sfreq . A convenience plotting function show_plot_and_make_titles() is also available in your workspace.

# (8820, 3)

                 3         4         6
0.000000 -0.000995  0.000281  0.002953
0.000454 -0.003381  0.000381  0.003034
0.000907 -0.000948  0.000063  0.000292
0.001361 -0.000766  0.000026 -0.005916
0.001814  0.000469 -0.000432 -0.005307

fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(15, 7), sharex=True, sharey=True)

# Calculate the time array
time = np.arange(normal.shape[0]) / sfreq

# Stack the normal/abnormal audio so you can loop and plot
stacked_audio = np.hstack([normal, abnormal]).T

# Loop through each audio file / ax object and plot
# .T.ravel() transposes the array, then unravels it into a 1-D vector for looping
for iaudio, ax in zip(stacked_audio, axs.T.ravel()):
    ax.plot(time, iaudio)

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As you can see there is a lot of variability in the raw data, let’s see if you can average out some of that noise to notice a difference.

2.1.2 Invariance in time

While you should always start by visualizing your raw data, this is often uninformative when it comes to discriminating between two classes of data points. Data is usually noisy or exhibits complex patterns that aren’t discoverable by the naked eye.

Another common technique to find simple differences between two sets of data is to average across multiple instances of the same class. This may remove noise and reveal underlying patterns (or, it may not).

In this exercise, you’ll average across many instances of each class of heartbeat sound.

The two DataFrames ( normal and abnormal ) and the time array ( time ) from the previous exercise are available in your workspace.

# (8820, 10)

# Average across the audio files of each DataFrame
mean_normal = np.mean(normal, axis=1)
mean_abnormal = np.mean(abnormal, axis=1)

# Plot each average over time
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 3), sharey=True)
ax1.plot(time, mean_normal)
ax1.set(title="Normal Data")
ax2.plot(time, mean_abnormal)
ax2.set(title="Abnormal Data")

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Do you see a noticeable difference between the two? Maybe, but it’s quite noisy. Let’s see how you can dig into the data a bit further.

2.1.3 Build a classification model

While eye-balling differences is a useful way to gain an intuition for the data, let’s see if you can operationalize things with a model. In this exercise, you will use each repetition as a datapoint, and each moment in time as a feature to fit a classifier that attempts to predict abnormal vs. normal heartbeats using only the raw data .

We’ve split the two DataFrames ( normal and abnormal ) into X_train , X_test , y_train , and y_test .

from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC

# Initialize and fit the model
model = LinearSVC(),y_train)

# Generate predictions and score them manually
predictions = model.predict(X_test)
print(sum(predictions == y_test.squeeze()) / len(y_test))
# 0.555555555556

Note that your predictions didn’t do so well. That’s because the features you’re using as inputs to the model (raw data) aren’t very good at differentiating classes. Next, you’ll explore how to calculate some more complex features that may improve the results.

2.2 Improving features for classification

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#### 2.2.1 Calculating the envelope of sound

One of the ways you can improve the features available to your model is to remove some of the noise present in the data. In audio data, a common way to do this is to smooth the data and then rectify it so that the total amount of sound energy over time is more distinguishable. You’ll do this in the current exercise.

0.000000   -0.024684
0.000454   -0.060429
0.000907   -0.070080
0.001361   -0.084212
0.001814   -0.085111
Name: 0, dtype: float32

# Plot the raw data first
audio.plot(figsize=(10, 5))

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# Rectify the audio signal
audio_rectified = audio.apply(np.abs)

# Plot the result
audio_rectified.plot(figsize=(10, 5))

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# Smooth by applying a rolling mean
audio_rectified_smooth = audio_rectified.rolling(50).mean()

# Plot the result
audio_rectified_smooth.plot(figsize=(10, 5))

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By calculating the envelope of each sound and smoothing it, you’ve eliminated much of the noise and have a cleaner signal to tell you when a heartbeat is happening.

2.2.2 Calculating features from the envelope

Now that you’ve removed some of the noisier fluctuations in the audio, let’s see if this improves your ability to classify.

LinearSVC(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=True, fit_intercept=True,
          intercept_scaling=1, loss='squared_hinge', max_iter=1000,
          multi_class='ovr', penalty='l2', random_state=None, tol=0.0001,

# Calculate stats
means = np.mean(audio_rectified_smooth, axis=0)
stds = np.std(audio_rectified_smooth, axis=0)
maxs = np.max(audio_rectified_smooth, axis=0)

# Create the X and y arrays
X = np.column_stack([means, stds, maxs])
y = labels.reshape([-1, 1])

# Fit the model and score on testing data
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
percent_score = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=5)
# 0.716666666667

This model is both simpler (only 3 features) and more understandable (features are simple summary statistics of the data).

2.2.3 Derivative features: The tempogram

One benefit of cleaning up your data is that it lets you compute more sophisticated features. For example, the envelope calculation you performed is a common technique in computing tempo and rhythm features. In this exercise, you’ll use librosa to compute some tempo and rhythm features for heartbeat data, and fit a model once more.

Note that librosa functions tend to only operate on numpy arrays instead of DataFrames, so we’ll access our Pandas data as a Numpy array with the .values attribute.

# Calculate the tempo of the sounds
tempos = []
for col, i_audio in audio.items():
    tempos.append(lr.beat.tempo(i_audio.values, sr=sfreq, hop_length=2**6, aggregate=None))

# Convert the list to an array so you can manipulate it more easily
tempos = np.array(tempos)

# Calculate statistics of each tempo
tempos_mean = tempos.mean(axis=-1)
tempos_std = tempos.std(axis=-1)
tempos_max = tempos.max(axis=-1)

# Create the X and y arrays
X = np.column_stack([means, stds, maxs, tempos_mean, tempos_std, tempos_max])
y = labels.reshape([-1, 1])

# Fit the model and score on testing data
percent_score = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=5)
#  0.516666666667

Note that your predictive power may not have gone up (because this dataset is quite small), but you now have a more rich feature representation of audio that your model can use!

2.3 The spectrogram

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2.3.1 Spectrograms of heartbeat audio

Spectral engineering is one of the most common techniques in machine learning for time series data. The first step in this process is to calculate a spectrogram of sound. This describes what spectral content (e.g., low and high pitches) are present in the sound over time. In this exercise, you’ll calculate a spectrogram of a heartbeat audio file.

# Import the stft function
from librosa.core import stft

# Prepare the STFT
spec = stft(audio, hop_length=HOP_LENGTH, n_fft=2**7)

from librosa.core import amplitude_to_db
from librosa.display import specshow

# Convert into decibels
spec_db = amplitude_to_db(spec)

# Compare the raw audio to the spectrogram of the audio
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 10), sharex=True)
axs[0].plot(time, audio)
specshow(spec_db, sr=sfreq, x_axis='time', y_axis='hz', hop_length=HOP_LENGTH)

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Do you notice that the heartbeats come in pairs, as seen by the vertical lines in the spectrogram?

2.3.2 Engineering spectral features

As you can probably tell, there is a lot more information in a spectrogram compared to a raw audio file. By computing the spectral features, you have a much better idea of what’s going on. As such, there are all kinds of spectral features that you can compute using the spectrogram as a base. In this exercise, you’ll look at a few of these features.

import librosa as lr

# Calculate the spectral centroid and bandwidth for the spectrogram
bandwidths = lr.feature.spectral_bandwidth(S=spec)[0]
centroids = lr.feature.spectral_centroid(S=spec)[0]

from librosa.core import amplitude_to_db
from librosa.display import specshow

# Convert spectrogram to decibels for visualization
spec_db = amplitude_to_db(spec)

# Display these features on top of the spectrogram
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax = specshow(spec_db, x_axis='time', y_axis='hz', hop_length=HOP_LENGTH)
ax.plot(times_spec, centroids)
ax.fill_between(times_spec, centroids - bandwidths / 2, centroids + bandwidths / 2, alpha=.5)
ax.set(ylim=[None, 6000])

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As you can see, the spectral centroid and bandwidth characterize the spectral content in each sound over time. They give us a summary of the spectral content that we can use in a classifier.

2.3.3 Combining many features in a classifier

You’ve spent this lesson engineering many features from the audio data – some contain information about how the audio changes in time, others contain information about the spectral content that is present.

The beauty of machine learning is that it can handle all of these features at the same time. If there is different information present in each feature, it should improve the classifier’s ability to distinguish the types of audio. Note that this often requires more advanced techniques such as regularization, which we’ll cover in the next chapter.

For the final exercise in the chapter, we’ve loaded many of the features that you calculated before. Combine all of them into an array that can be fed into the classifier, and see how it does.

# Loop through each spectrogram
bandwidths = []
centroids = []

for spec in spectrograms:
    # Calculate the mean spectral bandwidth
    this_mean_bandwidth = np.mean(lr.feature.spectral_bandwidth(S=spec))
    # Calculate the mean spectral centroid
    this_mean_centroid = np.mean(lr.feature.spectral_centroid(S=spec))
    # Collect the values

# Create X and y arrays
X = np.column_stack([means, stds, maxs, tempo_mean, tempo_max, tempo_std, bandwidths, centroids])
y = labels.reshape([-1, 1])

# Fit the model and score on testing data
percent_score = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=5)
# 0.533333333333

You calculated many different features of the audio, and combined each of them under the assumption that they provide independent information that can be used in classification. You may have noticed that the accuracy of your models varied a lot when using different set of features. This chapter was focused on creating new “features” from raw data and not obtaining the best accuracy. To improve the accuracy, you want to find the right features that provide relevant information and also build models on much larger data.

3. Predicting Time Series Data

3.1 Predicting data over time

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3.1.1 Introducing the dataset

As mentioned in the video, you’ll deal with stock market prices that fluctuate over time. In this exercise you’ve got historical prices from two tech companies ( Ebay and Yahoo ) in the DataFrame prices . You’ll visualize the raw data for the two companies, then generate a scatter plot showing how the values for each company compare with one another. Finally, you’ll add in a “time” dimension to your scatter plot so you can see how this relationship changes over time.

# Plot the raw values over time

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# Scatterplot with one company per axis
prices.plot.scatter('EBAY', 'YHOO')

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# Scatterplot with color relating to time
prices.plot.scatter('EBAY', 'YHOO', c='date',
          , colorbar=False)

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As you can see, these two time series seem somewhat related to each other, though its a complex relationship that changes over time.

3.1.2 Fitting a simple regression model

Now we’ll look at a larger number of companies. Recall that we have historical price values for many companies. Let’s use data from several companies to predict the value of a test company. You’ll attempt to predict the value of the Apple stock price using the values of NVidia, Ebay, and Yahoo.

symbol            AAPL        ABT        AIG   AMAT       ARNC        BAC  \
2010-01-04  214.009998  54.459951  29.889999  14.30  16.650013  15.690000
2010-01-05  214.379993  54.019953  29.330000  14.19  16.130013  16.200001
2010-01-06  210.969995  54.319953  29.139999  14.16  16.970013  16.389999
2010-01-07  210.580000  54.769952  28.580000  14.01  16.610014  16.930000
2010-01-08  211.980005  55.049952  29.340000  14.55  17.020014  16.780001

from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

# Use stock symbols to extract training data
X = all_prices[["EBAY","NVDA","YHOO"]]
y = all_prices[["AAPL"]]

# Fit and score the model with cross-validation
scores = cross_val_score(Ridge(), X, y, cv=3)
# [-6.09050633 -0.3179172  -3.72957284]

As you can see, fitting a model with raw data doesn’t give great results.

3.1.3 Visualizing predicted values

When dealing with time series data, it’s useful to visualize model predictions on top of the “actual” values that are used to test the model.

In this exercise, after splitting the data (stored in the variables X and y ) into training and test sets, you’ll build a model and then visualize the model’s predictions on top of the testing data in order to estimate the model’s performance.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

# Split our data into training and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,
                                                    train_size=.8, shuffle=False, random_state=1)

# Fit our model and generate predictions
model = Ridge(), y_train)
predictions = model.predict(X_test)
score = r2_score(y_test, predictions)
# -5.70939901949

# Visualize our predictions along with the "true" values, and print the score
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 5))
ax.plot(y_test, color='k', lw=3)
ax.plot(predictions, color='r', lw=2)

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Now you have an explanation for your poor score. The predictions clearly deviate from the true time series values.

3.2 Advanced time series prediction

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3.2.1 Visualizing messy data

Let’s take a look at a new dataset – this one is a bit less-clean than what you’ve seen before.

As always, you’ll first start by visualizing the raw data. Take a close look and try to find datapoints that could be problematic for fitting models.

# Visualize the dataset

# Count the missing values of each time series
missing_values = prices.isna().sum()

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In the plot, you can see there are clearly missing chunks of time in your data. There also seem to be a few ‘jumps’ in the data. How can you deal with this?

3.2.2 Imputing missing values

When you have missing data points, how can you fill them in?

In this exercise, you’ll practice using different interpolation methods to fill in some missing values, visualizing the result each time. But first, you will create the function ( interpolate_and_plot() ) you’ll use to interpolate missing data points and plot them.

# Create a function we'll use to interpolate and plot
def interpolate_and_plot(prices, interpolation):

    # Create a boolean mask for missing values
    missing_values = prices.isna()

    # Interpolate the missing values
    prices_interp = prices.interpolate(interpolation)

    # Plot the results, highlighting the interpolated values in black
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
    prices_interp.plot(color='k', alpha=.6, ax=ax, legend=False)

    # Now plot the interpolated values on top in red
    prices_interp[missing_values].plot(ax=ax, color='r', lw=3, legend=False)

# Interpolate using the latest non-missing value
interpolation_type = 'zero'
interpolate_and_plot(prices, interpolation_type)

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# Interpolate linearly
interpolation_type = 'linear'
interpolate_and_plot(prices, interpolation_type)

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# Interpolate with a quadratic function
interpolation_type = 'quadratic'
interpolate_and_plot(prices, interpolation_type)

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When you interpolate, the pre-existing data is used to infer the values of missing data. As you can see, the method you use for this has a big effect on the outcome.

3.2.3 Transforming raw data

In the last chapter, you calculated the rolling mean. In this exercise, you will define a function that calculates the percent change of the latest data point from the mean of a window of previous data points. This function will help you calculate the percent change over a rolling window.

This is a more stable kind of time series that is often useful in machine learning.

# Your custom function
def percent_change(series):
    # Collect all *but* the last value of this window, then the final value
    previous_values = series[:-1]
    last_value = series[-1]

    # Calculate the % difference between the last value and the mean of earlier values
    percent_change = (last_value - np.mean(previous_values)) / np.mean(previous_values)
    return percent_change

# Apply your custom function and plot
prices_perc = prices.rolling(20).aggregate(percent_change)

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You’ve converted the data so it’s easier to compare one time point to another. This is a cleaner representation of the data.

3.2.4 Handling outliers

In this exercise, you’ll handle outliers – data points that are so different from the rest of your data, that you treat them differently from other “normal-looking” data points. You’ll use the output from the previous exercise (percent change over time) to detect the outliers. First you will write a function that replaces outlier data points with the median value from the entire time series.

def replace_outliers(series):
    # Calculate the absolute difference of each timepoint from the series mean
    absolute_differences_from_mean = np.abs(series - np.mean(series))

    # Calculate a mask for the differences that are > 3 standard deviations from zero
    this_mask = absolute_differences_from_mean > (np.std(series) * 3)

    # Replace these values with the median accross the data
    series[this_mask] = np.nanmedian(series)
    return series

# Apply your preprocessing function to the timeseries and plot the results
prices_perc = prices_perc.apply(replace_outliers)

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Since you’ve converted the data to % change over time, it was easier to spot and correct the outliers.

3.3 Creating features over time

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3.3.1 Engineering multiple rolling features at once

Now that you’ve practiced some simple feature engineering, let’s move on to something more complex. You’ll calculate a collection of features for your time series data and visualize what they look like over time. This process resembles how many other time series models operate.

# Define a rolling window with Pandas, excluding the right-most datapoint of the window
prices_perc_rolling = prices_perc.rolling(20, min_periods=5, closed='right')

# Define the features you'll calculate for each window
features_to_calculate = [np.min, np.max, np.mean, np.std]

# Calculate these features for your rolling window object
features = prices_perc_rolling.agg(features_to_calculate)

# Plot the results
ax = features.loc[:"2011-01"].plot()
prices_perc.loc[:"2011-01"].plot(ax=ax, color='k', alpha=.2, lw=3)
ax.legend(loc=(1.01, .6))

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3.3.2 Percentiles and partial functions

In this exercise, you’ll practice how to pre-choose arguments of a function so that you can pre-configure how it runs. You’ll use this to calculate several percentiles of your data using the same percentile() function in numpy .

# Import partial from functools
from functools import partial
percentiles = [1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 99]

# Use a list comprehension to create a partial function for each quantile
percentile_functions = [partial(np.percentile, q=percentile) for percentile in percentiles]

# Calculate each of these quantiles on the data using a rolling window
prices_perc_rolling = prices_perc.rolling(20, min_periods=5, closed='right')
features_percentiles = prices_perc_rolling.agg(percentile_functions)

# Plot a subset of the result
ax = features_percentiles.loc[:"2011-01"].plot(
ax.legend(percentiles, loc=(1.01, .5))

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3.3.3 Using “date” information

It’s easy to think of timestamps as pure numbers, but don’t forget they generally correspond to things that happen in the real world. That means there’s often extra information encoded in the data such as “is it a weekday?” or “is it a holiday?”. This information is often useful in predicting timeseries data.

2014-01-02  0.017938
2014-01-03  0.002268
2014-01-06 -0.027365
2014-01-07 -0.006665
2014-01-08 -0.017206

# Extract date features from the data, add them as columns
prices_perc['day_of_week'] = prices_perc.index.dayofweek
prices_perc['week_of_year'] = prices_perc.index.weekofyear
prices_perc['month_of_year'] = prices_perc.index.month

# Print prices_perc

                EBAY  day_of_week  week_of_year  month_of_year
2014-01-02  0.017938            3             1              1
2014-01-03  0.002268            4             1              1
2014-01-06 -0.027365            0             2              1
2014-01-07 -0.006665            1             2              1

This concludes the third chapter. In the next chapter, you will learn advanced techniques to validate and inspect your time series models.

4. Validating and Inspecting Time Series Models

4.1 Creating features from the past

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4.1.1 Creating time-shifted features

In machine learning for time series, it’s common to use information about previous time points to predict a subsequent time point.

In this exercise, you’ll “shift” your raw data and visualize the results. You’ll use the percent change time series that you calculated in the previous chapter, this time with a very short window. A short window is important because, in a real-world scenario, you want to predict the day-to-day fluctuations of a time series, not its change over a longer window of time.

# These are the "time lags"
shifts = np.arange(1, 11).astype(int)

# Use a dictionary comprehension to create name: value pairs, one pair per shift
shifted_data = {"lag_{}_day".format(day_shift): prices_perc.shift(day_shift) for day_shift in shifts}

# Convert into a DataFrame for subsequent use
prices_perc_shifted = pd.DataFrame(shifted_data)

# Plot the first 100 samples of each
ax = prices_perc_shifted.iloc[:100].plot(
prices_perc.iloc[:100].plot(color='r', lw=2)

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4.1.2 Special case: Auto-regressive models

Now that you’ve created time-shifted versions of a single time series, you can fit an auto-regressive model. This is a regression model where the input features are time-shifted versions of the output time series data. You are using previous values of a timeseries to predict current values of the same timeseries (thus, it is auto-regressive).

By investigating the coefficients of this model, you can explore any repetitive patterns that exist in a timeseries, and get an idea for how far in the past a data point is predictive of the future.

# Replace missing values with the median for each column
X = prices_perc_shifted.fillna(np.nanmedian(prices_perc_shifted))
y = prices_perc.fillna(np.nanmedian(prices_perc))

# Fit the model
model = Ridge(), y)

            lag_1_day  lag_2_day  lag_3_day  lag_4_day  lag_5_day  lag_6_day  \
2010-01-04   0.000756   0.000756   0.000756   0.000756   0.000756   0.000756

            lag_7_day  lag_8_day  lag_9_day  lag_10_day
2010-01-04   0.000756   0.000756   0.000756    0.000756

2010-01-04    0.000756
Name: AAPL, dtype: float64

You’ve filled in the missing values with the median so that it behaves well with scikit-learn. Now let’s take a look at what your model found.

4.1.3 Visualize regression coefficients

Now that you’ve fit the model, let’s visualize its coefficients. This is an important part of machine learning because it gives you an idea for how the different features of a model affect the outcome.

The shifted time series DataFrame ( prices_perc_shifted ) and the regression model ( model ) are available in your workspace.

In this exercise, you will create a function that, given a set of coefficients and feature names, visualizes the coefficient values.

def visualize_coefficients(coefs, names, ax):
    # Make a bar plot for the coefficients, including their names on the x-axis, coefs)
    ax.set(xlabel='Coefficient name', ylabel='Coefficient value')

    # Set formatting so it looks nice
    plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right')
    return ax

# Visualize the output data up to "2011-01"
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 5))

# Run the function to visualize model's coefficients
visualize_coefficients(model.coef_, prices_perc_shifted.columns, ax=axs[1])

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When you use time-lagged features on the raw data, you see that the highest coefficient by far is the first one. This means that the N-1th time point is useful in predicting the Nth timepoint, but no other points are useful.

4.1.4 Auto-regression with a smoother time series

Now, let’s re-run the same procedure using a smoother signal. You’ll use the same percent change algorithm as before, but this time use a much larger window (40 instead of 20). As the window grows, the difference between neighboring timepoints gets smaller, resulting in a smoother signal. What do you think this will do to the auto-regressive model?

prices_perc_shifted and model (updated to use a window of 40) are available in your workspace.

# Visualize the output data up to "2011-01"
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 5))

# Run the function to visualize model's coefficients
visualize_coefficients(model.coef_, prices_perc_shifted.columns, ax=axs[1])

Desktop View

As you can see here, by transforming your data with a larger window, you’ve also changed the relationship between each timepoint and the ones that come just before it. This model’s coefficients gradually go down to zero, which means that the signal itself is smoother over time. Be careful when you see something like this, as it means your data is not i.i.d .

4.2 Cross-validating time series data

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4.2.1 Cross-validation with shuffling

As you’ll recall, cross-validation is the process of splitting your data into training and test sets multiple times. Each time you do this, you choose a different training and test set. In this exercise, you’ll perform a traditional ShuffleSplit cross-validation on the company value data from earlier. Later we’ll cover what changes need to be made for time series data. The data we’ll use is the same historical price data for several large companies.

An instance of the Linear regression object ( model ) is available in your workspace along with the function r2_score() for scoring. Also, the data is stored in arrays X and y . We’ve also provided a helper function ( visualize_predictions() ) to help visualize the results.

# Import ShuffleSplit and create the cross-validation object
from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=10, random_state=1)

# Iterate through CV splits
results = []
for tr, tt in cv.split(X, y):
    # Fit the model on training data[tr], y[tr])

    # Generate predictions on the test data, score the predictions, and collect
    prediction = model.predict(X[tt])
    score = r2_score(y[tt], prediction)
    results.append((prediction, score, tt))

# Custom function to quickly visualize predictions

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You’ve correctly constructed and fit the model. If you look at the plot to the right, see that the order of datapoints in the test set is scrambled. Let’s see how it looks when we shuffle the data in blocks.

4.2.2 Cross-validation without shuffling

Now, re-run your model fit using block cross-validation (without shuffling all datapoints). In this case, neighboring time-points will be kept close to one another. How do you think the model predictions will look in each cross-validation loop?

An instance of the Linear regression model object is available in your workspace. Also, the arrays X and y (training data) are available too.

# Create KFold cross-validation object
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
cv = KFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=False, random_state=1)

# Iterate through CV splits
results = []
for tr, tt in cv.split(X, y):
    # Fit the model on training data[tr], y[tr])

    # Generate predictions on the test data and collect
    prediction = model.predict(X[tt])
    results.append((prediction, tt))

# Custom function to quickly visualize predictions

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This time, the predictions generated within each CV loop look ‘smoother’ than they were before – they look more like a real time series because you didn’t shuffle the data. This is a good sanity check to make sure your CV splits are correct.

4.2.3 Time-based cross-validation

Finally, let’s visualize the behavior of the time series cross-validation iterator in scikit-learn. Use this object to iterate through your data one last time, visualizing the training data used to fit the model on each iteration.

An instance of the Linear regression model object is available in your workpsace. Also, the arrays X and y (training data) are available too.

# Import TimeSeriesSplit
from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit

# Create time-series cross-validation object
cv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=10)

# Iterate through CV splits
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for ii, (tr, tt) in enumerate(cv.split(X, y)):
    # Plot the training data on each iteration, to see the behavior of the CV
    ax.plot(tr, ii + y[tr])

ax.set(title='Training data on each CV iteration', ylabel='CV iteration')

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Note that the size of the training set grew each time when you used the time series cross-validation object. This way, the time points you predict are always after the timepoints we train on.

4.3 Stationarity and stability

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4.3.1 Stationarity

First, let’s confirm what we know about stationarity. Take a look at these time series.

Which of the following time series do you think are not stationary?

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B and C

C begins to trend upward partway through, while B shows a large increase in variance mid-way through, making both of them non-stationary.

4.3.2 Bootstrapping a confidence interval

A useful tool for assessing the variability of some data is the bootstrap. In this exercise, you’ll write your own bootstrapping function that can be used to return a bootstrapped confidence interval.

This function takes three parameters: a 2-D array of numbers ( data ), a list of percentiles to calculate ( percentiles ), and the number of boostrap iterations to use ( n_boots ). It uses the resample function to generate a bootstrap sample, and then repeats this many times to calculate the confidence interval.

from sklearn.utils import resample

def bootstrap_interval(data, percentiles=(2.5, 97.5), n_boots=100):
    """Bootstrap a confidence interval for the mean of columns of a 2-D dataset."""
    # Create our empty array to fill the results
    bootstrap_means = np.zeros([n_boots, data.shape[-1]])
    for ii in range(n_boots):
        # Generate random indices for our data *with* replacement, then take the sample mean
        random_sample = resample(data)
        bootstrap_means[ii] = random_sample.mean(axis=0)

    # Compute the percentiles of choice for the bootstrapped means
    percentiles = np.percentile(bootstrap_means, percentiles, axis=0)
    return percentiles

You can use this function to assess the variability of your model coefficients.

4.3.3 Calculating variability in model coefficients

In this lesson, you’ll re-run the cross-validation routine used before, but this time paying attention to the model’s stability over time. You’ll investigate the coefficients of the model, as well as the uncertainty in its predictions.

Begin by assessing the stability (or uncertainty) of a model’s coefficients across multiple CV splits. Remember, the coefficients are a reflection of the pattern that your model has found in the data.

An instance of the Linear regression object ( model ) is available in your workpsace. Also, the arrays X and y (the data) are available too.

# Iterate through CV splits
n_splits = 100
cv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=n_splits)

# Create empty array to collect coefficients
coefficients = np.zeros([n_splits, X.shape[1]])

for ii, (tr, tt) in enumerate(cv.split(X, y)):
    # Fit the model on training data and collect the coefficients[tr], y[tr])
    coefficients[ii] = model.coef_

# Calculate a confidence interval around each coefficient
bootstrapped_interval = bootstrap_interval(coefficients, (2.5,97.5))

# Plot it
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(feature_names, bootstrapped_interval[0], marker='_', lw=3)
ax.scatter(feature_names, bootstrapped_interval[1], marker='_', lw=3)
ax.set(title='95% confidence interval for model coefficients')
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right')

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You’ve calculated the variability around each coefficient, which helps assess which coefficients are more stable over time!

4.3.4 Visualizing model score variability over time

Now that you’ve assessed the variability of each coefficient, let’s do the same for the performance (scores) of the model. Recall that the TimeSeriesSplit object will use successively-later indices for each test set. This means that you can treat the scores of your validation as a time series. You can visualize this over time in order to see how the model’s performance changes over time.

An instance of the Linear regression model object is stored in model , a cross-validation object in cv , and data in X and y .

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

# Generate scores for each split to see how the model performs over time
scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=cv, scoring=my_pearsonr)

# Convert to a Pandas Series object
scores_series = pd.Series(scores, index=times_scores, name='score')

# Bootstrap a rolling confidence interval for the mean score
scores_lo = scores_series.rolling(20).aggregate(partial(bootstrap_interval, percentiles=2.5))
scores_hi = scores_series.rolling(20).aggregate(partial(bootstrap_interval, percentiles=97.5))

# Plot the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
scores_lo.plot(ax=ax, label="Lower confidence interval")
scores_hi.plot(ax=ax, label="Upper confidence interval")

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You plotted a rolling confidence interval for scores over time. This is useful in seeing when your model predictions are correct.

4.3.5 Accounting for non-stationarity

In this exercise, you will again visualize the variations in model scores, but now for data that changes its statistics over time.

An instance of the Linear regression model object is stored in model , a cross-validation object in cv , and the data in X and y .

# Pre-initialize window sizes
window_sizes = [25, 50, 75, 100]

# Create an empty DataFrame to collect the stores
all_scores = pd.DataFrame(index=times_scores)

# Generate scores for each split to see how the model performs over time
for window in window_sizes:
    # Create cross-validation object using a limited lookback window
    cv = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=100, max_train_size=window)

    # Calculate scores across all CV splits and collect them in a DataFrame
    this_scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=cv, scoring=my_pearsonr)
    all_scores['Length {}'.format(window)] = this_scores

# Visualize the scores
ax = all_scores.rolling(10).mean().plot(
ax.set(title='Scores for multiple windows', ylabel='Correlation (r)')

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Wonderful – notice how in some stretches of time, longer windows perform worse than shorter ones. This is because the statistics in the data have changed, and the longer window is now using outdated information.

### 4.4 Wrap-up

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Thank you for reading and hope you’ve learned a lot.